WE HAVE A WINNER!!! ybus you have won the product of your choice!
In the past I have struggled with my skin. It tends to be dry, yet I break out during my cycle. Diet plays a huge role. Cutting dairy out ended my struggle with acne. However, I have had a difficult time finding a skin care line that I feel is safe enough to put on my skin. Our skin absorbs what we put on it into the blood stream, and I do not trust mainstream products. Recently I was introduced to TASTYFACE organics! My friend Kelly makes these amazing products in small batches. I tried the products and my skin fell in love. I get told all the time that my skin is glowing! TASTYFACEorganic products are organic, small batch crafted, and smell amazing. These products are also edible! She uses all natural ingredients and it makes it much easier for me than trying to make my own combinations.
My favorite product is the Coconut Vanilla Cream Cleanser. I take a small amount and rub it into my face. Then I get in the shower and let the steam work it in further. At the end of my shower I use a gentle cloth to clean it off my face. Then I finish with the daily moisturizer. I was really surprised with the results!
WE HAVE A WINNER!!!! ybus! you are the winner! Congratulations! We will be in touch with you to send you your free product!
For this week enter the coupon code: PRIMALLOVE15 for 15% off your order!
Try these products out, you won’t be disappointed!
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